////Animation Director/// Animator /// Illustrator/// Optimist////_______"Don't be discouraged, be INSPIRED"

Jazz... [my therapy]

Seed Shack by Gene Ammons on Grooveshark

Friday, 23 December 2011

Sketch-ercise #54

Hi guys. So here was the final Sketch-ercise session of 2011... As it was Christmas week, I decided the theme should be a "fun doodle" for each member of the group to do for one another. Here are two I did of Nathan & Chuchuan... Chuchuan only just joined up that week I think; he's a 21yr old graphic designer from Venezuela, who's hoping to transition from graphics into concept design for the animation industry. Hop over to his blog, say "hi" & show some support if you get a few minutes. Great to have have you on board Chuchuan!
